In this episode, Dhiya, Mansi B., and Ritika host a farewell party for Mansi N., which includes sweets, a game, and some (fake) tears. GOODBYE MANSI N. WE LOVE YOU!!
Let’s Chat Episode 9
The final episode for Mansi N. and for the 23-24 school year
May 21, 2024
About the Contributors
Ritika Khurana is a sophomore and this is her first year on staff. She loves talking about her dogs and burying her nose into a book. When she’s not reading, you can find her listening to music while making a snack or simply watching TV.
Mansi is a senior at Metea Valley and it is her first year on staff as a Copy Editor. She enjoys reading and playing piano. In her free time, you can find her writing up a story in any comfortable space.
Mansi Bajaj is a junior, and this is her second year as a Copy Editor on staff. She loves writing, reading, and (her favorite activity) sleeping. You can find her in the library hunched over her Chromebook as she tries to finish a project assigned three weeks ago.
Dhiya is a sophomore and a reporter for The Stampede. She enjoys creative writing, music, art, and spending time with friends. She is also a classical dancer and spends an unnecessary amount of time daydreaming about and watching Tamil cinema.
Mansi Payal NarayaNan • May 21, 2024 at 1:03 pm