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Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


A year in review: my junior year of high school

A year in review: my junior year of high school

Cache Merriweather
May 21, 2020

My third year of high school was definitely something I would never have expected. Both my freshman and sophomore years seemed as if I was genuinely missing something. I wasn’t very excited about anything...

After months of being quarantine, the question of what happens after the pandemic has never been more poignant.

The lessons to learn from Covid-19

Marco Rivero
May 21, 2020

It’s been 2 months since Governor JB Prtizker issued Executive Order 2020-11, establishing the state-wide stay at home order. Since the start of the pandemic, an economic crisis has destabilized the...

Quarantine has an array of positives amongst the negatives

Quarantine has an array of positives amongst the negatives

Brandt Ward
April 16, 2020

The Coronavirus has been widespread throughout the U.S and other areas of the world. It has made us practice social distancing and affected the way that we live life. Some people have been predicting that...

The COVID-19 pandemic was always going to be a crisis. Our failed institutions have made it worse.

Coronavirus broke the country, and the Government is failing to fix it

Marco Rivero
April 14, 2020

When the news first started reporting on a new strain of coronavirus found in Wuhan, China, it seemed like the same old fearmongering that had been seen countless years before. As more and more news came...

Senator Bernie Sanders was the front-runner for the Democratic nominee for president. Almost overnight, his campaign collapsed.

Analysis: Why Sanders had to suspend his campaign

Marco Rivero
April 10, 2020

Inside a crowded venue in the middle of Navy Pier, over 12,000 people were gathered to celebrate the start of a campaign. Every few seconds, the crowd erupted in cheers as campaign surrogates and local...

Teenagers must take COVID-19 seriously and understand the precautions necessary to keep the community safe

Teenagers must take COVID-19 seriously and understand the precautions necessary to keep the community safe

Brandt Ward
March 19, 2020

With the closings of school and most extracurricular activities, a lot of students and their guardians are upset.  It is disappointing that the Class of 2020 is going to be missing out on a lot of senior...

The United States House of Representatives voted to make lynching a federal hate crime.

The recognition of lynching as a federal hate crime is long overdue

Jada Jones and Cache Merriweather
March 12, 2020

James Byrd, Yusef Hawkins, James Chaney, Frank Morris, Emmett Till, Michael Griffith. These are all black males who have died in the last 40 years due to lynching. They died because they were either whistling...

Election Update: Biden sweeps Super Tuesday as failing markets threaten Trump's reelection

Election Update: Biden sweeps Super Tuesday as failing markets threaten Trump’s reelection

Marco Rivero
March 6, 2020

The Biden Surge Following terrible performances in all three early primary states, former vice-president Joe Biden has managed to stage a political comeback. Just 72 hours before Super Tuesday every...

The case for increased awareness about maladaptive daydreaming

The case for increased awareness about maladaptive daydreaming

Brandt Ward, Perspectives Editor
March 5, 2020

Imagine sitting in class, being unable to pay attention because you are daydreaming. This is a normal occurrence and usually does not indicate anything out of the ordinary. However, this happens quite...

The Coronavirus has caused a tsumani of xenophobia against Asians.

The Coronavirus: Living in a society of xenophobia

Cache Merriweather, Perspectives Reporter
March 4, 2020

On a Los Angeles subway, Tanny Jiraprapasuke, a Thai American, was verbally harassed by a man ranting to her about the coronavirus.  Business in Houston’s Chinatown has declined immensely due to...

Goop is slammed with bad reviews the day of its release on Jan 24.

Gwyneth Paltrow’s “The Goop Lab” Beautifully Explores Alternative Medicine

Shari M, Perspectives Writer
February 13, 2020

The Goop Lab is a documentary series that currently has one season. It came out at the end of January as a Netflix Original show. The series is hosted by Gwyneth Paltrow and the Goop team. Goop is described...

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