In this episode, seniors Tanay and Ven revive the B&G experience by discussing AI's potential effects on identity crime, arguing over what separates fantastic movies from cash grabs, and being...
In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss growing up, Teddy B. (From The Bronx) and our childhood stuffed animals, and future jobs. Also, if you’re an evil witch we might punch you for fun.
In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss how to prepare for the winter via clothes, Azaa’s lack of any winter protection, and our memories of indoor recess. Also, Azaa says a pretty bad word in...
In this episode, Dhiya, Mansi B., Mansi N., and Ritika discuss Indian holidays, their favorite sweets, and their favorite kids’ TV shows. WARNING: They all get a little too excited at some point.
In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss red flags and green flags, what we prefer in relationships, and how to rub someone’s back sensually with words. Also, the Hosts lost their minds a little...
In this episode, Azaa, and Ryder discuss their own languages, alternative language classes, and a small introduction into the world of the Mongolian Tongue.
In this episode, Isa and Ryder are joined by special guest Mr. Lundy where they discuss what it means to fit in, the laws of attraction, and social shyness.
In this very spooky special episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss the history of Halloween, the origins of popular ghouls, and pretty much everything having to do with Halloween to close out the Spooky...