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Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Elizabeth Warren, Edward Kimmel; 20120421_1365 EW; Flickr; 21 Apr. 2012; 11 March 2019.

Elizabeth Warren

Marco Rivero
March 12, 2019

Warren is a progressive who represents her changing party much better than some of her opponents. She’s made a name for herself championing progressive ideas similar to Bernie Sanders while avoiding...

Joe Biden, Marc Nozell; Joe Biden; Flickr; 22 Sep. 2012; 11 March 2019.

Joe Biden

Marco Rivero
March 12, 2019

Joe Biden has been a favorite to win since 2016. Many people see him as the charismatic cool old man who’s best friends with Obama. Most polls have Biden about 4-6 percentage points above Bernie putting...

Kamala Harris Campaigning; from Mobilus In Mobili; Harris to Booker Save Our Care Rally U.S. Capitol; Flickr; 28 Jun. 2017; 11 March 2019.

Kamala Harris

Marco Rivero
March 12, 2019

Kamala Harris is without a doubt the establishment pick for this election. CNN has her as their number one on their lists despite her losing in almost every poll to both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. She...

Bernie Sanders campaigning, Benjamin Kerensa; Bernie Sanders Rally; Flickr; 9 Aug. 2015; 11 March 2019.

Bernie Sanders

Marco Rivero
March 12, 2019

Perhaps the most leftist candidate in the presidential race, Bernie hopes to recreate the entire economic world of this country. From the moment he announced his campaign for president it was clear Bernie...

Greta Leliugaite

Greta Leliugaite

March 6, 2019

Greta Leliugaite is a Caucasian, heterosexual sophomore who identifies as a female. She lives in Naperville and says she has a normal family. Greta considers herself a Republican. She went on to say that...

Danny Anderson

Danny Anderson

March 6, 2019

Danny Anderson is a Caucasian, homosexual junior who identifies as a male. He lives in Aurora and has divorced parents, living with his mom. He also has two siblings who are in college. He claims to have...

Tami Gordan

Tami Gordan

March 6, 2019

Tami Gordan is an African American, bisexual sophomore who identifies as a female. She lives with her mom in Aurora and the rest of her family lives in New York. Unlike the other three candidates, she...

Sebastian Segarra

Sebastian Segarra

March 6, 2019

Sebastian Segarra is a Puerto Rican, heterosexual sophomore who identifies as a male. He lives in Aurora and claims to be a traditional Puerto Rican living in Diaspora. He is a Democrat as he believes...

Mustang 30 is a good idea executed poorly

Brandt Ward, Perspectives Reporter
February 26, 2019

Brandt: Mustang 30 hit us by surprise. There was no indication that it was happening except for a few rumors about its existence. It was not until a few weeks later, they were going to test a 30 minute...

Mustang 30 only a waste of time if we choose to waste our time

Madison McCalley, Sports Reporter
February 26, 2019

Madison: I have always been someone who has enjoyed the Wednesday schedule. It is really nice having a shortened day once a week. We may only get out 20 minutes earlier but it is something I cherish. As...

10.1.18 Mane

The Mane
October 1, 2018

Proudly produced by the class Broadcast Journalism and Production II and III

May Mane: Senior Edition

Mr. Bloem, Executive Producer
May 22, 2018

Proudly produced in the classes, Broadcast Journalism and Media Communications. IPSD Course Codes, TEE2007 and TEE1014

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