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Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


As the new teacher vaccine mandate is implemented on Sept. 27, teachers share their opinions on the new mandate.

Teacher video prompts discussion around teacher vaccine mandate

Sydney Burleyson, Headlines Editor
November 2, 2021

When students in first period ceramics class opened their Chromebooks on Sept. 27, their substitute teacher told them to watch the video that art teacher Karly Olson left for them.   It was not the...

Students are adapting to the new lunchroom changes. The second floor is no longer accessible to students during lunch periods and access.

Administrators announce new rules regarding lunch periods

Sarah Holzman, News Reporter
October 29, 2021

Administrators announced new protocols for students to follow during lunch at the end of the school day on Oct. 15,  and students are no longer allowed to spend their lunch and access periods on the second...

Metea Valley administration takes precautions to prevent fighting and violence in school.

Administrators concerned over increase in fights

Allison Davids and Tanmayi Sharat
October 26, 2021

Metea Valley administrators have seen a rise in verbal altercations and physical altercations this school year with 28 fights happening so far this year. Two years ago, there were only six fights reported...

As students and teachers were welcomed back for the in-person 2021-22 school year, District 204 created a website that publically displays the number of positive COVID-19 cases across all the District's schools. This allows students, as well as their parents, to remain up to date on the most recent number of cases.

Of all the District 204 high schools, Metea Valley reports the smallest amount of positive COVID-19 cases

Sanjana Kakanur, Copy Editor
October 19, 2021

A month into the reintroduced in-person learning school year, positive COVID-19 case numbers have begun to level off in recent weeks, after increasing weekly for the first month of school. In comparison...

Students attempting to use the restroom are finding that bathroom doors around the building are being locked with no notice.

‘Devious licks’ challenge continues to keep the bathrooms locked

Steven Tardif, Headlines reporter
October 15, 2021

The locked men's bathrooms at Metea Valley is a growing problem where students can not use the bathroom because of the “devious licks” trend. The trend started due to a viral Tik Tok post of a student...

Student government's sophomore class participating in the spirit week which they planned.

Student government members create awareness about upcoming opportunities to get involved at school

Tanmayi Sharat, Headlines reporter
October 14, 2021

After the big homecoming dance on Oct. 2, Metea Valley’s student government met to devise plans for new events for the school to increase school bonding experiences. Each grade convened with their respective...

Miss Jordan instructing her students during PE class.

Meredith Jordan named the 2021 Northeastern District High School Physical Education Teacher of the Year

Allison Davids, Headlines reporter
October 13, 2021

Meredith Jordan is a health and physical education teacher here at Metea Valley. She has been teaching for over 17 years, and teaches the peer partners program. This past month she was named the 2021 Northeastern...

Mrs. Honeysett strives to reconnect with the students in her classes. Students are finding difficultly transitioning into past classroom norms.

Students are back to building relationships with teachers after over a year online

Steven Tardif, Headlines Reporter
September 22, 2021

The closing of schools and move to online learning within the last year due to the COVID-19 crisis has led to changes with how teachers interact with their students. Students could not build relationships...

The bus driver shortage in district 204 has impacted student’s transportation to and from school.

Bus driver shortages cause students to question school transportation

Sarah Holzman and Tanmayi Sharat
September 17, 2021

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, bus drivers were left without work and turned to search for higher paying jobs. As school has started to return to how it was prior to the pandemic, there have been less...

The TedEd club, founded by students meets on Tuesday, September 14th.

TedEd club is ready to invite new passionate students in again as the new school year begins

Steven Tardif
September 15, 2021

Student activities such as clubs and sports start to pick up as the 2021-2022 school year progresses. One club in particular that has started meeting in person again is the TedEd club which is a student-founded...

Freshman sit in a circle a connect with their upperclassman as they tell stories of their freshman year.

Freshmen meet outside to create new social connections for Fresh Connect

Tanmayi Sharat and Sydney Burleyson
September 14, 2021

As students are getting into the rhythm of a normal school day, the freshmen were newly introduced to Fresh Connect. As new ideas like meeting outside and different activities have been implemented, this...

Local teen -Michelle Azie-
wins the title of Fox Valley Youth Poet Laureate

Michelle Azi wins the title of Fox Valley Youth Poet Laureate

Sydney Burleyson
September 9, 2021

Teen Writers and Artist Project (TWAAP) held the Fox Valley Youth Poet Laureate Finalist Ceremony on Aug 26. The winner of this event was junior Michelle Azi. Azi is an accomplished poet, as well as Metea...

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