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Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Ryder Preston Brown

Ryder Preston Brown

Ryder is a junior and this is his second year on staff as a multimedia editor, videographer, and podcaster. He enjoys creating, journaling, and listening to music at almost full volume. He also enjoys sprinting like Bernie Sanders whenever he needs to. If you can’t find him walking around the school or being loud with friends then he might be off whipping and cooking for all or himself.

All content by Ryder Preston Brown
Members of OLAS's mariachi band play a variety of instruments and melodies.

Multicultural fair highlights Metea’s diversity

Luisa Bernardino and Ryder Preston Brown
February 26, 2025

To immerse oneself in another person's reality or culture is an honor that few occasions can provide, and Metea Valley's multicultural fair was one of them. It was filled with astounding performances from...

Two students walk down the runway of the Afrofuturism showcase, displaying high fashion and the creativity of other students.

Metea celebrates Black History Month with Afrofuturism showcase

Metea’s annual Black History Month showcase makes its return this week. The student-led event aims to celebrate Black culture by allowing students to explore and express their talents in various...

Many characters from the scene "Margot" work together to push the character Delta (Ava Taylor) out of the window, attempting to make her reveal her secret.

Metea’s annual Winter Scenes Showcase returns

The stage is set, the lights dim and anticipation fills the air as Metea students present their Winter Scenes showcase. Winter scenes is an opportunity for students to produce, direct, act, write, and perform their works in front of a crowd.
In and Out of Our Walls Season 2 Ep 7

In and Out of Our Walls Season 2 Ep 7

Azaa Battsogt and Ryder Preston Brown
February 4, 2025

In this particularly charismatic but sentimental interview episode, Azaa invites Kyle, Matthew R., and Frank, to explore the world of Senior memories through Polaroids, some fears of graduating, birthdays,...

Junior students chat as they’re watching the basketball match between students and teachers, cheering on for the student victory.

Metea Valley pep assembly sets high spirits

During work overload and busy schedules for so many students, the winter pep assembly was a fun way to give students a much-needed break during the school day. While providing an entertaining break for...

In and Out of Our Walls Season 2 Ep 6

In and Out of Our Walls Season 2 Ep 6

Ryder Preston Brown and Azaa Battsogt
January 28, 2025

In this mildly informative episode, Ryder and Azaa explore the recent TikTok Ban, the after-effects, and some TikTok trends to think about in case something were to happen again….Also, Ryder pronounces...

In and Out of Our Walls Season 2 Ep 5

In and Out of Our Walls Season 2 Ep 5

Ryder Preston Brown and Azaa Battsogt
January 22, 2025

In this mellow and slightly blues episode, Ryder and Azaa take a deep dive into fate when it comes to alignments and things happening for a reason, “New Year, New Me”, and being able to change for...

In and Out of Our Walls Season 2 Ep4

In and Out of Our Walls Season 2 Ep4

Ryder Preston Brown and Azaa Battsogt
December 6, 2024

In this decently proportioned recap episode, Ryder and Azaa do a bit of catching up from the small hiatus, a bit of looking to the future of the podcast, explore teeny tiny sidetrack topics, and I think...

Let's Talk Podcast(s)

Let’s Talk Podcast(s)

Emma Nicholls and Ryder Preston Brown
November 22, 2024

If you liked these episodes, then be sure to check in every month for our new releases!! Thank you!

Homecoming assembly inspires excitement among students

Homecoming assembly inspires excitement among students

Before Homecoming there has to be hype, and during the hype there has to be events that shock the crowd...this assembly for 2024 had to be it! This assembly saw brilliant dancing, flips, and turns, along...

The Junior section is shocked from the impressive performance that teachers and students gave in the volleyball match.

Students gather at the Homecoming Week Pep Assembly

With the roar of the Metea Valley spirit and the excitement of the events that went down being the most memorable things of this week so far, the Homecoming assembly brought together all classes of...

In and Out of Our Walls Season 2 Ep3

In and Out of Our Walls Season 2 Ep3

Ryder Preston Brown and Azaa Battsogt
September 17, 2024

In this episode, Ryder and Azaa discuss worldwide school policies, issues that could arise from these new implementations, and other opinions on recent back-to-school rules. (Azaa may or may not call...

In and Out of Our Walls Season 2 Episode 2 (Birthday Special)

In and Out of Our Walls Season 2 Episode 2 (Birthday Special)

Ryder Preston Brown and Azaa Battsogt
September 12, 2024

 In this special episode, Ryder and Azaa celebrate Ryder’s birthday (Sept. 12th) and reminisce on the best birthdays of our youth, cake traditions, and possible fire hazards with candles The credit...

Students cope with new school policies and changes

Students cope with new school policies and changes

District 204 along with many schools nationwide have introduced various new policies for the 2024-2025 school year that have sparked conversations among students...
In and Out of Our Walls Season 2 Ep1

In and Out of Our Walls Season 2 Ep1

Ryder Preston Brown and Azaa Battsogt
September 6, 2024

In this brilliant and hard-hitting season 2 premiere, Ryder and Azaa reintroduce themselves and settle back into the groove of things with some piano, accusations, and foreshadowing for a beautiful...

Metea L.I.F.E Abroad dives into Europe’s culture and history

Metea L.I.F.E Abroad allowed students to travel around Europe this past summer. This program gives students the chance to explore different social experiences in various locations.  France was the...

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 30

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 30

In this spooky but commemorative finale of IAOOOW Season 1, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder arrive for one more episode to bring everything full circle, and celebrate 30 wonderful but wacky episodes that span...

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 29

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 29

In this quick second part of the season finale, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder speedily discuss our favorite moments from the school year, reflect on some good and bad, and look for a good future ahead! The...

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 28

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 28

 In this fun first part of the season finale, Azaa and Ryder reminisce on some amazing throwbacks through TV shows, movies, and books before the realization that taking the ACT is a little too real...

Seniors ecstatically cheer as activities happen during the assembly.

The Junior and Senior Assembly showcased many talents while recognizing accomplishments

  The Junior and Senior Assembly on Friday, May 17, included a large number of performances, including a song by Muses and Apollo, a tumbling performance from the Jesse White Tumblers, dances...

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 27

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 27

In this diss track episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss the topic of walking in the hallways, recognizing some problems and solutions that would be great to fix this issue, and a nice new discovery...

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 26

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 26

In this episode, Azaa and Ryder revisit the discussion of Disney movies, addressing some likes and dislikes of Disney, and how people and sexism are portrayed in Disney as well. The credit of music:...

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 25

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 25

In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss the topic of true love, and how we feel teens see true love, with an additional mix of the idea of true love from different media. The credit of music:...

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 24

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 24

 In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss the recent solar eclipse that everyone has been raving about, different viewpoints of the eclipse from social media, and fears of our favorite animals being...

Full view of the Orchestra performing at the Veteran’s Day assembly

Veteran’s Day assembly brings attention to those who keep America safe

Kayla Clark and Ryder Preston Brown
November 10, 2023

Full view of the Orchestra performing at the Veteran’s Day assembly

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 23

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 23

Ryder Preston Brown and Azaa Battsogt
March 18, 2024

Welcome back to IAOOOW!! In this special interview, Azaa and Ryder are joined by student Mason Dang to discuss the topic of AP/Honors classes taking away from students’ social lives, the discussion of...

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 21

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 21

In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss A-synchronous/snow days, our favorite games to play during these situations (ACNH is better than all), and of course Azaa’s tiny fear of the dark. Also,...

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 20

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 20

In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder go over some key recapping moments of 2023, Isa’s Taxidermy fears, and our New Year’s resolutions. Also, make sure if you see a 12-foot tall taxidermy bear...

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 19

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 19

Ryder Preston Brown, Isa Peters, and Azaa Battsogt
December 20, 2023

In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss remedies for illnesses in the winter season, Isa’s love for hot water but strong distaste for tea, and medicines that we used in the past. Also, don’t...

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 18

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 18

Ryder Preston Brown, Isa Peters, and Azaa Battsogt
December 12, 2023

In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss Christmas lists, possible secret Santas, and uncanny valley fears. Side Note: DO NOT TRUST A ROBOT IF IT SAYS IT’S HUMAN.

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 17

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 17

In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss growing up, Teddy B. (From The Bronx) and our childhood stuffed animals, and future jobs. Also, if you’re an evil witch we might punch you for fun.

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 16

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 16

In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss how to prepare for the winter via clothes, Azaa’s lack of any winter protection, and our memories of indoor recess. Also, Azaa says a pretty bad word in...

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 15

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 15

Azaa Battsogt, Ryder Preston Brown, and Isa Peters
November 28, 2023

In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss celebrity crushes, random drum noises, and Azaa’s disliking of “basic” anime.

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 14

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 14

Azaa Battsogt, Ryder Preston Brown, and Isa Peters
November 14, 2023

In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss red flags and green flags, what we prefer in relationships, and how to rub someone’s back sensually with words. Also, the Hosts lost their minds a little...

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 13

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 13

Azaa Battsogt and Ryder Preston Brown
November 10, 2023

In this episode, Azaa, and Ryder discuss their own languages, alternative language classes, and a small introduction into the world of the Mongolian Tongue.

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 12

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 12

In this episode, Isa and Ryder are joined by special guest Mr. Lundy where they discuss what it means to fit in, the laws of attraction, and social shyness.

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 11: Halloween Special

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 11: Halloween Special

In this very spooky special episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss the history of Halloween, the origins of popular ghouls, and pretty much everything having to do with Halloween to close out the Spooky...

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 10

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 10

In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss music, concerts, and My Little Pony tracks that we haven’t heard since 2015.

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 9

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 9

In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss Halloween and general teen movies and shows, teen representation, and Azaa’s Bluey Cry Episode list. Also, Azaa. Really? Over Bluey?

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 8

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 8

In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss getting punishments for student absences, and detentions, and ways to decrease tardy slip handouts. Music from WeVideo (First Love Instrumental Light Mix). 

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 7

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 7

In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss pumpkin spice, Azaa fending for her life, and Isa obsessing over apples. Also, Isa's back I guess.

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 6

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 6

In this episode, Ryder and Azaa discuss the common courtesy of others and having awareness of the people around us. Also, Isa's dead.

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 5

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 5

In this episode Azaa, Isa, and Ryder introduce the start of Spooky October (the entire month of October being Halloween themed for the podcast) with scary stories and creepy thoughts that can haunt someone...

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 4

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 4

In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss Hoco and everything surrounding this compelling topic.

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 3

In and Out of Our Walls Episode 3

In this episode, Azaa, Isa, and Ryder discuss theories about Elon Musk, cars and colors, and videos on Americans trolling the British. We also sing Happy Birthday to Ryder!!!!!!!

In and Out of our Walls Episode 2

In and Out of our Walls Episode 2

In this episode, Ryder, Azaa, And Isa discuss High School Crush Culture and fitting in with others. 

In and Out of our Walls Podcast Episode 1

In and Out of our Walls Podcast Episode 1

In this episode Azaa, Ryder, and Isa discuss the fall plays, Disney musicals, and the delicacy of wagyu beef. If you have any questions you can email us: [email protected], [email protected], ...

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Ryder Preston Brown