Brittany’s List

Brittany Evans, Profiles Reporter

Juvia’s Place: This brand is known most for their amazing eyeshadow palettes. Shimmer, matte,and glitter shades with the perfect pigments for people with darker skin. This long wearing shadow comes in multiple different shadows and can stay on all day,which I perfect for people who constantly wear makeup. All of the palettes highlight and embrace darker skin tones and makes shades that blend well and don’t leave you washed out. Juvia’s Place is a black owned brand, but many gurus that aren’t POC have loved the brand and the quality of the product.

African Black Soap: Let’s just say this product really depends on the person. You won’t know until you try it and that’s how most products work. I’ve seen horribly dry skin , breaking out, and even cases of chemical burns but this product works for me. It helps clear skin and it smells great. The best thing to do is get products for your skin type too. Some soaps are too harsh and that’s where bad reviews come in. This product irks fantastic,and they have come out with a great line that include hair products and face scrubs and masks.

As I Am: It may be the fact that I have 4c type hair or maybe even the fact that I never want to grow my hair out long enough to see what my hair actually can do, but this is great for any length. It’s creamy but not overwhelming, and it’s on the cheaper side of the hair products. With quality comes quantity and As I Am is a very reasonable price considering most hair products can go up too forty dollars.

There is a lot of different brands that seem to be black owned but aren’t. Many black products are just represented with a black face. Cantu, eco styler gel, and so many other brands have been bought by the black community for years. We’re giving our money to people that don’t deal with the 4c hair. Most of us don’t have the money to stock up on expensive products every month. There’s so many different reasons why cheaper is easier, but there is also a lack of support when we don’t buy from owners that know the hair types and know what products we actually need.