Students adjust to finding appropriate clothing after virtual learning

Students adjust from wearing pajamas daily to creating a presentable outfit for the school day.

Ayaana Pradhan

Students adjust from wearing pajamas daily to creating a presentable outfit for the school day.

Ollie Shuminas

There is no doubt that everyone is different in their own ways. One way that people differ from one another is through fashion. Choosing what to wear even from a young age helps a person gain confidence and independence. Independence is an integral part of growing up. An independent way to express yourself is through clothing. The dress code creates a boundary to these expressions. The dress code has been put in place to make sure that Metea’s environment stays appropriate for learning. 

Appropriate can be a difficult word to define when it comes to clothing. Oxford dictionary defines appropriate as “suitable, acceptable or correct for the particular circumstances.” 

Honor House’s Dean David Schumacher responds to the word appropriate in this form. 

“These decisions are determined through collaboration with the deans and administrators from all three high schools, as well as direction from the district office.” 

Metea’s dress code is as follows: ‘High school expects that all students will dress in a way that is appropriate for the school day or for any school sponsored event. The school district is responsible for seeing that student attire does not interfere with the health or safety of any student, that student attire does not contribute to a hostile or intimidating atmosphere for any students or staff.

Head coverings (e.g., hats, hoods, and sunglasses must be removed upon entering the building. (Religious head coverings are exempt.)’ 

The Dress Code in itself only specifically states to not wear hats, hoods, and sunglasses in the building. Sophomore Mohamed Noor responded to the no hats and hoods policy stating that wearing them within the school is not distracting for students when learning so there is no reason to have them banned. Noor also stated that staff enforces these rules as a power stance towards the students. 

Even with the dress code statement on hats, the dress code does not explain what else should not be worn in school. Many times when people are dress coded it is because they are wearing shorts, tank tops, crop tops, skirts, etc. However in the Dress Code, it says nothing about not wearing these clothes, just no hats, hoods, or sunglasses.  

As students readjust to not wearing pajamas while on a zoom call, they look at the dress code to see what not to wear. Since the dress code only states that you can not wear hats, hoods, and sunglasses a more detailed dress code could be beneficial to help prevent students from being dress-coded. 

“If you are going to make students regulate their clothing they should have a say in what is regulated,” junior Andrew Chandler said.