An end of the season celebration: Speech team celebrates their accomplishments

Last night, the Speech Team celebrated their 2021-2022 season together at the Stonebridge Country Club. During the ceremony, members received awards, took photos, and socialized with one another over tacos and lemonade. It was a bittersweet evening, as the seniors present would not be returning for another season next year.

“I feel like the banquet is a very formal way to conclusively end the season with everyone together and emotion all around,” junior Jo Jadhav said. “It is also a place to celebrate our seniors and captains and all the work they put in.”

Recognizing the hard work and dedication everyone put into the team is important when concluding a year of many accomplishments. The past season saw the team take first place in regionals, second in sectionals, and sixth at state, all record-breaking achievements. None of it could have been possible without the guidance of student leaders within the team.

“My role model is Robyn Haddad,” Jadhav said. “She just embodied everything I wanted to be as a leader and a person in general. She was a loving and kind person.”

Sophomore Rachana Kanathur then shares who her role model is from this season.

“My role model would be Peyton [Owen] because not only is he an amazing actor and my category leader, he is a super compassionate person and so hilarious,” Kanathur said.

Throughout the Speech season, members create many memories, friendships, and experiences that last forever.

“My favorite memory would be when we traveled to Vannie’s House for boba and stole Tanmay’s [Varshney] car so we could fit,” sophomore Sachi Jain said.

With all of the memories of a tight-knit team come close friendships, but when saying goodbye to those who mentored them, a ceremony allows room for closure. The banquet provided just that.

“I guess this is really it,” senior Tinu Sathya said. “It feels real this time.”