This is a familiar scene, five athletes stand at the starting line. The pressure is rising, the anticipation that often accompanies a competition begins to escalate. Any spectator could feel the nerves...
School Board [Alexandra Guckel]:
The District 204 School Board held two meetings to discuss e-learning and the new school superintendent on Aug. 29. Regarding e-learning, the school board has decided...
The District 204 Board held a public hearing at Neuqua Valley High School in regards to approval of e-learning days during scheduled emergency days, commonly known as snow days, on Aug. 28. This action...
The Board of Education held a meeting inviting the public to contribute their input on what they want to see in the new superintendent this Wednesday afternoon. Earlier this year, Dr. Karen Sullivan announced...
Art, typically, is a solo act. People imagine a singular painter, sculptor, or another artist, expressing their creativity alone. But that image doesn’t always apply, as Metea’s Art Department displayed...
As the school year kicks off and the sports season starts up, students can support their classmates and also play an active role by going to events and checking in with the Superfan App. By checking into...
With growing concerns regarding global warming, the Earth is not the only thing heating up. The conversation about renewable energy has, for lack of a better word, caught wind over the past century. Engineers...
Imagine walking toward the athletic doors to go into yet another regular day of school. Something is different. The front of the athletic doors is full of students shouting, “Seniors only!” and “Come...
Student Government (Jada Jones)
The Student Government at Metea Valley involves five sections and one executive board. The sections include Me to We, which focuses on international service, do more...
Most people have been to downtown Naperville at some point, whether it’s going out to dinner with family, wandering around with friends, or just going downtown for recreation. However, not many people...
Metea Valley hosted a breakfast celebrating the school’s ten year anniversary, and recognized the people who have had an important role in making Metea Valley High School reach its success on Tuesday....
Saving the turtles is not only about recycling plastic straws. At Metea Valley, students and faculty throw away much more than just straws. The recycling bin is commonly used as another trash bin, which...