The Metea Theater program opened its spring show 'Our Town' last night to a sold out audience. 'Our Town', a Pulitzer prize winning drama considered to be a classic, follows the stories of the fictional...
Principal Dr. Echols issued a phone call home on Friday, April 27, regarding an incident that happened the previous day, on Thursday, April 26. Students notified building administrators that a student...
The Library Media Center presented Pretty Little Liars actor, Keegan Allen, during seventh period on Thursday. This author visit was a part of Allen’s book tour which started on Tuesday, April 24 in...
he WE movement held its annual WE Day Illinois event at the Allstate Arena on Wednesday. The mission of the WE movement is to inspire youth to make a change in the world and help people across the globe...
eniors must return Chromebooks and textbooks before the end of the year in order to graduate. Senior checkout days are in the LMC on May 21 and 22, during senior finals.
Seniors will need to turn in...
Keegan Allen will be visiting Metea Valley on Thursday, April 26 during Period 7 in the library. You can submit your questions here. Talk to Mrs. Turner if you have questions!