The war between Russia and Ukraine has put a hike in United States gas prices leaving people paying up to $4.26 per gallon at the pump. Although depending on the state, and regional factors, prices have...
The Organization of Latin America Students (or OLAS) is hosting a Latino dance program on March 18. This is a program to display the diverse culture that the Latino community has to offer. The variety...
Every school year, the teacher and the sponsor for the women’s empowerment club, Elevate, Ann Cluxton holds an annual prom dress drive called the Valley Runway. This year, the event took place at Graham...
With masks optional now, the policy affects businesses, schools, and other indoor areas. This leaves managers, superintendents, and other authorities to decide if they want to have their staff and customers...
Masks have gone from required to recommended for District 204 staff and students as of Feb, 22. There has been a lot of debate on the necessity of masks due to rising vaccination rates and decreasing COVID-19...
District 204 Superintendent Adrian Talley sent out a message to the community about the new mask mitigation updates, this past Sunday. The district has looked over the data and will start using the mask...
District 204 will transition from mask required to mask recommended starting Tuesday, Feb. 22. This follows the ruling by Sangamon County judge Raylene Grichow granting a temporary restraining order (or...
The updated COVID-19 dashboard, located on the Indian Prairie School District 204 website, reads that there have been four confirmed cases of COVID-19 during the week leading up to Feb. 7. This number...
District 204 held a board meeting to discuss topics, such as new roofing for certain schools, a change in the elementary level social studies curriculum, new policies on suicide and depression prevention...
Approximately 30 Metea Valley students were unable to return home after school this past Friday. Naperville Police officers responded to the fatal shooting of a man at 8:30 a.m in an apartment located...
Judge Raylene Grischow, a downstate Illinois judge, ruled against the Illinois' school mandate, requiring students and teachers to wear masks to school. The ruling comes from a lawsuit filed by parents...
Spirit week is back again but with new themes like Country vs Country Club, and Groutfit! The student government and emcees are who come up with the theme ideas for each day during their meetings. Spirit...