“John Mulaney and the Sack Lunch Bunch” came out on Dec. 24, 2019. Oddly enough, this special is not a stand-up special. It deftly puts on the hat of a children’s show similar to Mister Rogers...
“New In Town” is John Mulaney’s burst onto the Netflix scene. While the special aired Jan. 28, 2012 on Comedy Central, it is the first one available on Netflix. The topics that Mulaney covers vary...
“Kid Gorgeous” made its release on Netflix on May 1, 2018. John Mulaney begins his third stand up special on Netflix with a fantastic cinematic opening. The night starts with an uproar of applause,...
“The Comeback Kid” entered the Netflix sphere Nov. 13, 2015. John Mulaney shines on the stage of the Chicago Theater, as his jokes flow seamlessly from story to story. “The Comeback Kid” swings...
District 204 wanted to address the qualitative aspects that lead to the success outside the classroom. Without a practice to life competencies, there are no global citizens. Thus, there is a connection...
What students do not understand is how to connect the dots about the practices teachers are trying to foster. When they do not grasp the explicit purpose or know what they are learning, they begin to question...
Teachers have been working to make curriculum and instructional practices more meaningful for modern students. The curriculum gives teachers space to incorporate active learning environments, but it is...
The average person would say it is due to the factory system. To an extent, it is viable to consider that the factory system was a catalyst.
The factory system emerged in the late 1700s to early 1800s....
Student life can motion an endless cycle of production. Things are continuously thrown on the list. As time goes on, many of them focus more heavily on what needs to get done, rather than how they can...
I loved this season of “YOU”, I could even say I prefer it over season one. Ever since season one came last year, viewers have been excited for season two to release. When it was announced that it...
Love can become infatuation. Infatuation becomes obsession. Obsession becomes homicide. In season two of the Netflix series “YOU”, we follow Joe once again, but this time with a new setting. Joe is...
We Bare Bears (2015-)
Following after the popular cartoons that dominated Cartoon Network over the past five years, We Bare Bears was taken in with cautious arms. The show follows three brother bears,...