[quote]By Drew Danko
Online Editor
Graphic by Qiyuan Zhou[/quote]
For my entire life, I have looked forward to 2016. It’s the year I turn 18, the year I will graduate high school and begin the next chapter of my life at college, and the year that will hold an exciting summer of Olympics. Additionally, it’s the first time I will be able to cast my vote for president. All of these things used to excite me, however I could not be less interested in voting in this year’s election in November.
This year’s presidential race has transformed nominating the leader of our country into a joke. Instead of each candidate arguing why they would be best fit to run our country, they’re spending debate time insulting, shaming, and name calling other candidates. The debates seem more like an episode of “Keeping up with the Kardashians” or any other reality TV show with a lack of intelligence and mutual respect. They’re spending more time insulting each other’s appearance and spouses than they are talking about the issues.
Why are we voting for candidates who want to close our borders and prevent immigrants who deserve their shot at the “dream” that people are still convinced our country provides? Sure, I believe our nation’s security is a top priority and we should not allow individuals who could be a threat, but Donald Trump, not allowing anyone from a certain country onto American soil is ignoring everything our forefathers stood for.
Why are we voting for candidates who think socialism could solve America’s ever-growing economic crisis? I know Bernie’s vision for free college sound great, I would love free education, but nothing in this world is “free”. Sure, Bernie, take all of my parents hard earned money and give it to the people who are too lazy to work for themselves.
Why are we voting for candidates who have lied and changed their views just to gain more votes? Hillary, you’ve spent years changing your opinions and lied your way to gaining extra voters.
Out of all of the candidates, John Kasich seems to be the only one left who could represent the Republican Party and satisfy both sides of the political spectrum. He hasn’t spent the election bashing other candidates, and that’s why he lacks the delegates he’ll need to win the Republican nomination. I’m disappointed in my fellow Americans. I think this election has turned into a source of entertainment for many individuals, rather than a way for individuals to choose who they think could allow our country to prosper from The White House. Kasich has been a low-profile, reserved candidate, but that’s exactly the problem in his campaign. He hasn’t sold out to the masses like other candidates or done something to plaster himself through the media. However, that’s just what we need for our president. Not someone who cares about instilling fear in Americans or preaching inconsistent lies, we need someone honest.
With the direction this election is headed, I wouldn’t be surprised if people voted for Kanye West to be president in 2020.
*Disclaimer: This article is categorized as Opinions. The views of this article are that of the writer and do not represent the Stampede staff as a whole and should not be interpreted as a staff editorial.
Yahtzee • Apr 10, 2016 at 6:16 pm
I used to like Trump when he was on Celebrity Apprentice. When he announced he was running for president, I kinda laughed.
Wow, he was totally different on Celebrity Apprentice versus now. Now, he seems dumber than I would have ever thought.
Smart business man *for the most part*, terrible president.
Danny Boy • Apr 8, 2016 at 7:55 am
Nice Graphic Qiyuan!
Robbie Dozier • Apr 7, 2016 at 10:39 am
inb4 Cruz
Sai P • Apr 7, 2016 at 10:29 am
You are the type of person that does not form his own opinion on a candidate and just cast your ballot for the “least worse” candidate. People that consider themselves Republican say Trump and Cruz are too far right winged therefore the more moderate Kasich is the best opportunity. Both candidates have appealing policies and 1 or 2 ideas about immigration or economic policy do not determine how bad they are. I guarantee that you have very little knowledge on Kasich and his ideas of common core or limited abortion. Both of which can be seen as bad policy’s from a certain viewpoint. Also, if you think that Sanders is going to take your hard earned money and give it to the poor than you have made one of the biggest ignorant generalizations about him. Unless you are multi millionaire that works on Wall Street you will most likely be barely affected.
Randy Marsh • Apr 7, 2016 at 10:17 am
Keep it PC guys
Skeptical Anon • Apr 7, 2016 at 9:59 am
It is a little irksome that you claim that John Kasich satisfies both sides of the political spectrum. On what basis do you make this claim? Simply because you may believe he makes the best choice for president doesn’t mean your beliefs magically transfer over into the minds of anyone involved in politics. I would be curious to see what convinced you, logically, that Kasich would please both sides.
R1L3 • Apr 7, 2016 at 9:51 am
Is filling Metea media with biased editorials really the best way to approach delivering valuable news media to a very opinionated student population? I suppose if your primary goal is to reduce the overall number of people who take anything posted here seriously then you have certainly stumbled upon an extremely effective way to do so. While it could be argued that these editorials provide a good way to start an intelligent debate/discussion on the topic of choice with the use of the comments section as a platform a short glance at the responses makes it quite clear how little actual value these discussions have. If you could even call them that. I write this comment having little to no knowledge of what Metea media’s overall purpose is and goals are, I merely know that Metea media calls itself a “news website” and that the list of its similarities to any accredited news source is disappointingly short, but if i have misunderstood Metea Media’s purpose and these editorials do serve your intended purpose I apologize.
Anonon • Apr 8, 2016 at 7:57 am
This. I love this.
A disappointing Metea Valley Student • Apr 7, 2016 at 9:42 am
It’s intriguing how suddenly everyone in the comment section and everyone at Metea Media are suddenly economic experts. Keep in mind that, just because you’ve heard a statistic on Fox News, doesn’t mean it’s completely true. It’s like creating a research paper and only citing Wikipedia.org.
(I’m looking at you, “19 trillion dollars on our national debt, and taxes would increase by 50%” commenter.)
Anonymous1 • Apr 7, 2016 at 7:07 am
So not taking money from special interest groups is “Selling out to the masses”?
Alex • Apr 6, 2016 at 1:28 pm
Kasich is Bae-sich
Prashant Shankar • Apr 6, 2016 at 1:26 pm
I like how you say “[Kasich] hasn’t sold out to the masses” as if that’s a good thing. Guess what: I don’t want SuperPACs or rich donors to push their interests, I want the people to push their interests. Kasich, Cruz, and Clinton are the real sellouts.
Appreciative Anon • Apr 7, 2016 at 10:00 am
If you hadn’t already made this point, I would have written it. This is one that should be remembered. Thank you for this.
Thomas Carragher • Apr 6, 2016 at 1:03 pm
Donald trump doesn’t want to kick out the immigrants that should have a better life in America but is trying to prevent illegal immigrants that enter and should not be on U.S. soil that is why he said that we should build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico that way all the crude things that are happening in the U.S. will significantly be reduced or even better it could stop. Bernie sanders idea on the free college education program doesn’t sound good because if you want to go to college you got to work for it and work hard and Bernie sanders little socialism idea is a bad idea because if he was nominated as the POTUS (President of the United States) then this country’s will have a first communist rule and I don’t want to see that happen.
Feel the Bern • Apr 6, 2016 at 10:01 am
People need to stop calling Bernie a Socialist. He’s a Democratic Socialist. There’s a big difference.
Robbie Dozier • Apr 7, 2016 at 10:38 am
In democratic socialism, the government takes people’s rights away with the people’s consent.
C28 • Apr 6, 2016 at 9:45 am
I will hope to release a document on this topic soon explaining the truths about these candidates.
the united (divided) states cannot afford communism or liars (Cruz,Sanders,Clinton)
our only hope for a successful future is with Kasich and or Trump
Woke Metea Student • Apr 6, 2016 at 9:19 am
“…People who are too lazy to work for themselves.” Hmmm. You’re saying that all poor people are lazy. So I guess all Muslims are terrorists. And all Black people are thugs. And all Mexicans are rapists and criminals, right? Making such a broad generalization about an already marginalized group of people is IGNORANT and TOXIC. A majority of impoverished people who are “too lazy to work for themselves” actually work 2-3 low-paying, labor-intensive jobs to support their families, and it still isn’t enough. And maybe if they were able to get that free education that Sanders proposes earlier on in their lives–an education that would propel them into the the white-collar job market–they wouldn’t be stuck in a cycle where ALL they can get are minimum wage jobs and support their families and pay for their children’s educations.
Concerned Metea Student • Apr 6, 2016 at 10:08 am
He is not talking about the poor people who work hard to make a living for their families, instead he is talking about the people who sit and do nothing while living off of welfare checks and don’t do anything to try and better their situation.
Concerned about your concern • Apr 6, 2016 at 1:14 pm
The amount of people that actually live lazily off of welfare checks are very small. The generalization is all poor people are lay here, which isn’t true. Bernie’s tax plans will only affect you in a somewhat drastic way if you can afford to be affected drastically. I suggest watching the documentary Park Avenue on Vimeo to see how difficult it is for people to only live on welfare. If you’re on welfare, you have to be trying to do something and cannot live on it alone. The people living off welfare checks–all of them–are not lazy and work hard to climb a social ladder that is almost impossible to climb. The top 1% has more control than you and everyone you know does together over where the money goes, and guess where they move it? To their own pockets. Too many people are continuing to live off of the poor that are fighting to make their welfare checks work. Please do your own research next time to see exactly what you’re talking about next time before making a generalization that all people on welfare are lazy without any proof. Also, many people from welfare families can’t even afford community college and go straight into blue collar jobs. Free college would help make the American Dream a reality, and not the inarguable myth it is now. America is I believe (but could be wrong) is 13th on the list of countries easiest to move classes in, trailing far behind Canada and other more socialist countries. Democratic socialism offers a chance to blend capitalism with socialism and make it possible to achieve an American Dream sought out by our forefathers without requiring a privileged predisposition. Currently, those on welfare can barely get into some public and community colleges despite their work. Do not try to tell me that these plans wouldn’t help anyone. Just because you can’t see their struggles over your huge Stonebridge houses doesn’t mean they aren’t there. John McDaniels I hope you see this too.
John McDaniels • Apr 6, 2016 at 10:50 am
He didn’t generalize all poor people, that’s why he specifically said ‘people who are too lazy to work for themselves’, who the tax dollars are inarguably still going to. These white collar jobs you think they’re going to be able to find will be taken by people who paid for grad school or other long term education programs, which will certainly not be covered by his plan, because employers are always looking for the most qualified person.
‘Free’ college won’t help anyone find jobs they couldn’t before, and it will only hurt people because it will destroy the typical innovation and higher standards of college due to restrictions from government funding, which we have already seen happen to our high schools. Forcing everyone to pay the huge cost in taxes will only be a bigger burden on the poor looking for work and small businesses looking to hire.
Another Concerned Metea Student • Apr 6, 2016 at 1:13 pm
Can we take a second to appreciate that you just alluded to poor people being a race?
Molly L. • Apr 6, 2016 at 3:51 pm
He never generalized all poor people to be lazy, and here’s some interesting statistics: In the U.S. 78% of people living in poverty don’t work at all, and nearly 90% of people in poverty don’t work full-time. He never even mentioned those stereotypes you listed. By the way, Bernie Sanders’ so-called “free college” he offers isn’t really free. In fact, all of his “free” promises add up to 19 trillion dollars on our national debt, and taxes would increase by 50%. Bernie Sanders’ promises won’t eliminate poverty like he says they will. They will just create even more poverty, because many low-income citizens won’t be able to pay off his expensive taxes. Nothing in life is free, and that’s not how it works. Besides, even if every child, teen, and college student did receive a free education, how do you know they would use it? How do you know they won’t drop out of school to do drugs or alcohol? It would be a complete waste of money! Socialism does not work. It takes away all the money earned from the hard-working Americans and giving it to the lazy citizens on welfare.
Adonis • Apr 10, 2016 at 6:13 pm
Ms. Lindsey: First of all, don’t say “lazy citizens on welfare” because that makes you sound ignorant. Not everyone on welfare are lazy.
Secondly, Trump would like to build a wall, right? But he wants Mexico to pay for.
NEWSFLASH: It’s not gonna happen.
Also, for the Trump supporters out there, legally, he can’t do most of the things he says he can. How do people trust a guy who constantly denies what he says? If he doesn’t own up to what he’s saying now, he’s definitely going to deny everything he says IF he becomes president (for America’s sake, I hope not).
Of course, not everything of what ALL the candidates say are going to happen, but Trump took this to a whole new level.
anon • Apr 6, 2016 at 9:14 am
I cant believe metea media would allow this kind of biased news. More evidence of the biased liberal media.
3157690 • Apr 6, 2016 at 9:58 am
Because censorship is a fascist practice and should never be implemented in the USA.
anon • Apr 7, 2016 at 9:23 am
But it already was been. Haven’t you noticed how the political media hasn’t said NOTHING about how obama funded the Sandy Hook shooter and obama supported isis in the middle east ????????
Viktor Stasyuk • Apr 7, 2016 at 8:02 am
What is so wrong with communism? American propaganda has made everyone believe communism is this horrible thing when it is truly not. Communism is an idea where everybody in the society is equal, but don’t instantly think that means someone who is lazy and does little-to-no work earns just as much as someone who works hard. You get free education, free housing, a free car, free gas, etc. But if you do barely any work, the government could just as easily take those rights away, get rid of your gas, lower the food you get, etc. Yet, if you work hard you can get rewarded, better housing, more food, more gas, better car, and the such. The problem with communism then arrives when somebody like Stalin comes into power and ruins everything, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Also, Bernie is a democratic socialist, that is a big difference from a socialist, he doesn’t want this country to be communist, he is still against the spread of communism, he just appreciates some ideas from communism. Bernie wants to get us a free education, give everybody an equal chance to achieve the “dream”. I came to America in 2006, just before my 6th birthday and it was extremely difficult for my parents to support our family, and although they had a great education and had great jobs in Ukraine, they had to work as janitors at night because that’s the only job they could get. We still don’t have a lot of money and the only way i’ll be able to go to college is either with a scholarship, which is extremely difficult for me to get, or with free college. Bernie wants to tax the rich and that’s how he is going to pay for college. Also Drumpf’s idea of not letting in Syrian refugees because some of them potentially being in ISIS is extremely racist and stupid. The refugees are trying to escape from a raging battlefield and want to be able to live a better life than waking up every day, and wondering whether their house is going to be standing the next day, or blown to bits. These types of people should be welcomed, but not with too big arms seeing as there is still a threat of ISIS, we should screen the refugees first, make sure they are not terrorists. America needs to be a leader, we need to set an example to others, what type of example does it set when we close our borders? Or construct a giant wall that would actually cost $25 billion to make, plus to pay for the workers, and after 7 years the cost to sustain the wall will exceed the cost to actually make the wall. That’s a lot of money flooding away. Saying that the Mexicans will build it is just absurd, their former and current presidents said they would never build that. While we might have a trade deficit with them, that is only for trade, not for constructing walls, we can’t legally force them to build the wall.
jeff • Apr 8, 2016 at 11:15 am
my bad didn’t mean to report you was trying to reply the bottom line is we need ted Cruz or anyone that isn’t a socialist or a democrat. we need someone for the republic or a conservative. Trump is a spoiled rich guy who’s only intent is to be president. Cruz on the other hand represents what any true American would want and would rather say it like it is and not lie for the sake of political correctness.
jeff • Apr 6, 2016 at 8:35 am
I love every portion of this article, but would love to clear one thing up. We have a foreign crisis named isis who are proclaimed Muslims. We have media stations and a president who say we can’t profile Syrian refugees. In Europe they were letting in Syrian refugees, and now in Europe we have Muslims congregating and creating neighborhoods abiding by saurian laws which can not coexist with any other constitution especially those of European values. and as Trump said in January. “look at places in Sweden Germany and Belgium like Brussels for instance its a beautiful place and pardon his language its a
****hole crap place to live and its because they keep letting in Muslims left and right and allowing them erase their values for saurian law, and he said eventually something would happen. So where I like ted Cruz and am conservative. I dislike Trump I’m not going to act like he was wrong. You know, how in Brussels isis bombed a subway station and already killed 32 people and injured 200. Wake up people(liberals) war already happening were just doing absolutely nothing but arming them.
Viktor Stasyuk • Apr 7, 2016 at 8:14 am
Really? Germany is a bad place to live in? It was rated the best country to live in, in the world. America is 4th, Canada is 2nd, the UK is third, Sweden is 5th. Germany is the 2nd best place to start a career, behind China, and just after the U.S. So Drumpf talking about how Germany is a horrible place to live is just an absurd comment made by a man who knows he can say anything and still get more fans. According to a study that looked at every place in the world and found that Germany was the best socially and politically viewed place. Germany was the top spot in part because of its strong economy, world influence, and its focus on key global issues, such as the migrant crisis and eurozone unity. Five other EU members made the top 10, showing that Europe is a great place to live. Drumpf’s wrong again, unsurprisingly. Also he is far from being a successful businessman. His casinos went bankrupt, Trump steaks went bankrupt, Trump airlines, Trump board games, Trump magazine, Trump’s line of shirt and ties, Trump water, Trump Israeli energy drinks, Trump cologne, Trump wine, Trump vodka, Trump furniture, the list goes on and on, and all did not do so well, you don’t hear about most of them today because they don’t exist. Also, Trump University went bankrupt.
Don • Apr 15, 2016 at 9:26 am
Trump was talking about current conditions. I expect the survey you quote had to be referring to past conditions.
Anonymous. • Apr 6, 2016 at 7:29 am
Capitalism won’t hold this country’s economy together. How can you argue with a man who summoned a bird to his podium during a speech.
anonymous • Apr 6, 2016 at 7:16 am
Trump said he wanted to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the country, not legal immigrants.
mouse • Apr 7, 2016 at 9:45 am
there we go lol