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Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Humans of Metea: Steps Dance Company

Humans of Metea: Steps Dance Company

Amber Corkey
November 15, 2019

The Effect, part of Steps Dance Company in Aurora, won 1st place at World of Dance Chicago at the Copernicus Center on Nov. 3. Many of the dancers include students from Metea and Neuqua. One of them was...

Humans of Metea: Better Minds Prep

Humans of Metea: Better Minds Prep

Claire Baffes
November 8, 2019

Students often wish to make an impact on their school in one way or another. IMSA alumni, Amit Somalwar started a tutoring company with seniors Avyay Surampalli, Sanjay Rajasekhar, Karthik Pasupula, Havish...

Humans of Metea: Pravallika Padyala

Humans of Metea: Pravallika Padyala

Paige Friedlander
November 1, 2019

To want to help others is one thing, but to follow through is another. Sophomore Pravallika Padyala has worked hard within the STEM field to grow her understanding and participation of medicine. Padyala...

Humans of Metea: Girls' Swim

Humans of Metea: Girls’ Swim

Paige Friedlander
October 25, 2019

Girls' swim is at the tail end of their season with conference, sectionals, and state around the corner. The swimmers have been working hard this year, and they are hopeful and excited about their upcoming...

Humans of Metea: Alyssa Schneider

Humans of Metea: Alyssa Schneider

Claire Baffes
October 17, 2019

Running a marathon tops many people’s to-do lists. But few can say that they went through with it. Math teacher and cross country and track sponsor Alyssa Schneider had the opportunity to do so last...

Humans of Metea: Roshan Sirole

Humans of Metea: Roshan Sirole

Paige Friedlander
October 11, 2019

The highest achievement a Boy Scout can receive is to become an Eagle Scout. To become an Eagle Scout, a Boy Scout must gain the necessary amount of merit badges, create a service project that benefits...

Una luz dentro las vidas de los hispanos en Metea Valley

Una luz dentro las vidas de los hispanos en Metea Valley

Isabella Villalobos
October 10, 2019

In celebration of the National Hispanic Heritage Month and the Hispanic community of Metea, this article is part of a new series of articles that will be entirely in Spanish. En celebracion del mes...

Metea’s National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalists express gratitude for the opportunity

Metea’s National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalists express gratitude for the opportunity

Claire Baffes
October 8, 2019

Thirteen Metea Valley Students have recently been named as semi-finalists for a National Merit Scholarship. After taking their last PSAT their junior year and filling out an application similar to a college...

Humans of Metea: Marc Hornig

Humans of Metea: Marc Hornig

Marco Rivero
October 4, 2019

A first job is often stressful, daunting, and most of all an experience to be remembered. For Marc Hornig, the newest orchestra teacher at Metea, this is his first teaching job is within this school. Teaching...

Humans of Metea: Drushya Musham

Humans of Metea: Drushya Musham

Marco Rivero
September 27, 2019

Starting and growing a business is one of the hardest things one can do. Devoting a considerable share of that business to charity is even harder. Junior Drushya Musham is at the early stages of growing...

Humans of Metea: Carter Wijangco

Humans of Metea: Carter Wijangco

Amber Corkey
September 20, 2019

Almost everyone in high school finds something they are passionate about. Carter Wijangco, a sophomore at Metea, found his passion for fishing. He’s participated in numerous fishing competitions over...

Jordan Dullnigg is Nationally Recognized for her Special Involvement

Jordan Dullnigg is Nationally Recognized for her Special Involvement

Alexandra Guckel
September 20, 2019

Jordan Dullnigg is a senior at Metea Valley and is very involved in programs such as Special Olympics at Metea. She is on the board for the Special Olympics activation committee this year, which is part...

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