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Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Bella Myers

Bella Myers

Bella is a senior and social media editor-in-chief. Aside from the TikTok obsession, you can catch her filming in public for Metea’s YouTube channel, “The Stampede.” Something she likes to do after school is lacrosse and hanging out with her friends.


All content by Bella Myers
Friend groups gather to take photos as the first prom session begins.

Senior Prom 2021, a night to remember

The class of 2021 seniors got to attend prom last Friday. The senior prom took place at Bobak's Signature Events where they were greeted by Metea staff and photographers as they walked along the red carpet....

Isabella of Castile by STRFKR

Isabella of Castile by STRFKR

Bella Myers, Social Media Editor-in-Chief
November 4, 2020

I actually just discovered this artist a couple days ago.  I got so excited because I have not had much luck finding new music and then I came across “STRFKR” and I love every single one of their...

Lost in Translation by The Neighbourhood

Lost in Translation by The Neighbourhood

Bella Myers, Social Media Editor-in-Chief
November 4, 2020

The Neighborhood has always been one of my favorite bands, and when they came out with a new album this year, I was the first in line to listen.  This song immediately stuck out to me and became one of...

Emily by Declan McKenna

Emily by Declan McKenna

Bella Myers, Social Media Editor-in-Chief
November 4, 2020

When I first listened to this song, the sky started to glow orange, and by the time the song was done, the sun had completely set.  I actually have a playlist called “songs that deserve their own emotion”...

COVID-19 continues to interfere with learning patterns as students return to the new school year.

Inconsistencies with education continues in a global pandemic

Since March, the Mustangs have been taking on more responsibilities at home. They have been occupied with watching their siblings, cooking for their families, and keeping up with online courses. With school...

The Buffalo Wild Wings on 75th Street is one out of 20 franchises in the Chicago-land area

[Photo] Police report sheds new light on Buffalo Wild Wings incident

Katrina Viloria
November 16, 2019

The Buffalo Wild Wings on 75th Street is one out of 20 franchises in the Chicago-land area

Student section and JV team support Varsity

Gallery: Dig pink volleyball

Bella Myers, Multimedia Editor
October 4, 2019

How to ‘pop off’ during Homecoming spirit week

Bella Myers, Multimedia Editor
September 20, 2019

Monday: Class Shirt Tuesday: Jersey Day Wednesday: Beach Day Thursday: Pajama Day Friday: Class Colors (FR: Black. SO: Gold. JR: USA. SR: Neon.)

Poetry Club starts a new year with high goals

Poetry Club starts a new year with high goals

Bella Myers
September 12, 2019

Mara Porada decided to create Poetry Club in March last year after volunteering and judging at Louder Than A Bomb, the largest poetry festival in the world.  There, she saw representation from local schools...

Athletic director Mr. Fehrmann contemplates on the current athletic season.

[Photo] New athletic director looks at an optimistic perspective

Leland Pan
August 29, 2019

Athletic director Mr. Fehrmann contemplates on the current athletic season.

Preparation and Positivity at Mustang Mania

[Video] Preparation and Positivity at Mustang Mania

Alex Bedore, Sports Reporter
August 26, 2019

Metea’s annual Mustang Mania event took place last Friday. Students and athletes came together for one of the most energetic nights of the entire year. Activities at the event included football scrimmages,...

Metea Valley maintenance staff installed new feminine hygiene dispensers in March.  However, the dispensers are not regularly restocked and are frequently empty.

Feminine products postponed due to updating dispensers

Bella Myers
June 3, 2019

Female students around the school have noticed that the feminine product dispensers in the bathrooms have been empty for a few weeks, prompting a new investigation into the maintenance of products in female...

Metea Editorial Album Review Podcast

Bella Myers
May 30, 2019

Credits to: Marco Rivero, Bella Myers, and Alexandra Guckel for preparing the second podcast this year.  These future editors reflect on some popular albums that came out in 2019.

Metea Editorial Podcast

Bella Myers
May 23, 2019

Credits to: Bella Myers, Alexandra Guckel, Leland Pan, Brandt Ward, and Marco Rivero for preparing Metea's first editorial podcast.  These future editors reflect on the most popular/ controversial articles...

Students worried about legislation arming teachers

Students worried about legislation arming teachers

Bella Myers
April 30, 2019

In reaction to the shooting deaths of 17 students and staff members at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. last year, Florida's legislature is moving to allow administrators, support...


[Video] Vlog: Inside Mustang 30

Bella Myers, Spotlight Reporter
March 6, 2019

Be humble, not arrogant

Be humble, not arrogant

Bella Myers, Spotlight Reporter
January 24, 2019

The words humble and arrogant have completely opposite definitions. Arrogant means having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.  Humble means having or showing a...

Jump starting your career in high school

Jump starting your career in high school

Bella Myers, Spotlight Reporter
January 16, 2019

The idea of school has changed so much that it’s not about learning anymore. Students are starting to think of school as a chore rather than a place to learn. Since school has become a place to pass...

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Bella Myers