Why did you choose to go to Illinois State?
I chose to go to ISU because it’s not too far from home but it’s far enough. I love the college town it has.
What do you plan on majoring in?
Everybody enjoys having fun with their lives, especially after a long day of work and school. But Zachary Cook is living his best life as he thrives on several aspects of media. His favorites include gaming,...
Ashley Poston, an author, graphic designer, and self-admitted fan fiction writer took time out of her day to talk to English students at Metea about her life, her novels, the basics of creative writing...
Where are you going to college?
Caroline: Augustana College
Kayla: Saint Louis University
Jack: Marquette University
What major?
Caroline: Animal Science / Biology
Kayla: Nursing
Metea Media is full of interesting comments. Many individuals have made it a hobby of delivering their opinions through the comment section, whether it is insightful or not. However, no other person has...
Where are you going to school?
The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
What do you plan on majoring?
I plan on studying computer science.
Why did you choose UIC?
I chose UIC because...
How did you come to be a part of this?
Freshmen year, my dad got a job to teach at a university in Seoul, South Korea and we stayed there for a year. I went to an international school and it was all...
Why do you want to go to U of I?
I want to go there because they have a really good support system and they treat me like a family, I also got scholarships to wrestle for their team.
How have the...
After many victorious competitions, Sara Jordan is the first sophomore at Metea Valley to make it to the state competition for speech.
Jordan became a member of the speech team last year when she was...
Madison McCalley, Photographer & Sports Reporter February 15, 2019
Why did you choose to go to NYU?
I visited NYU two years ago because my cousin lives in New Jersey and I wasn't sure about which college I wanted to go to but after I visited the campus I liked the...
Where do you plan on going to college?
Arizona State University.
Why did you decide to go to ASU?
I decided to go there because my older sister goes there, the weather’s nice, and they have...
What do you plan on majoring in?
I plan on majoring in Business Administration, but I’m also considering a double major with Fashion Merchandising.
How did you get interested in that career choice?