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Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Abbey Malbon

Abbey Malbon, Spotlight Reporter

Abbey Malbon is in 11th grade and is a spotlight writer. She is involved with Literary Magazine, Best Buddies and Fresh Connect. She spends her free time watching That 70’s show reruns and writing emo poems.

All content by Abbey Malbon
Why joining News Journalism was the best decision I made in high school

Why joining News Journalism was the best decision I made in high school

Abbey Malbon, Spotlight Editor
December 12, 2018

y freshman year self would have never imagined that I would have actually become a senior, let alone be graduating early and writing for my school’s newspaper. But here I am; a senior graduating in one...

Girl Talk: Midterm Elections bring diversity to Washington D.C.

Girl Talk: Midterm Elections bring diversity to Washington D.C.

Abbey Malbon, Spotlight Editor
November 15, 2018

The midterms have come and gone, but unlike most recent midterm elections, the newly elected candidates are exciting the public because of their diversity and their gender. This past election broke many...

Illinois legislators passed the Learn with Dignity Act in January. The law requires schools to provide feminine hygiene products in school bathrooms. District 204 is not in strict compliance with the law.

District 204 skirts Illinois legislation regarding menstrual products

Abbey Malbon, Spotlight Editor
October 25, 2018

istrict 204 is knowingly not in strict compliance with a new Illinois law requiring all public and private high schools to provide free tampons and sanitary napkins in school bathrooms. Illinois legislators...

"Twitter, do your thing"

“Twitter, do your thing”

A screenshot from a Naperville Central High School student’s private Instagram story went viral on social media on Tuesday. The screenshot contained xenophobic and Islamophobic statements and focused...

Teachers participate in active shooter training

Teachers participate in active shooter training

Abbey Malbon and Avani Shah
September 7, 2018

District 204 teachers took part in an active shooter training session at Neuqua Valley High School last Friday. Nationwide concern about school safety has increased over the past few years, culminating...

District 204 refuses to comply with new law concerning feminine products

District 204 refuses to comply with new law concerning feminine products

Abbey Malbon, Spotlight Editor
May 25, 2018

District 204 has decided not to comply with a new Illinois law requiring all high schools to provide tampons and sanitary napkins in school bathrooms. The Illinois legislature passed Public Act 100-0163...

Chicks provide hands-on learning for genetics classes

Chicks provide hands-on learning for genetics classes

Abbey Malbon, Spotlight Reporter
May 17, 2018

A wide array of students enrolled in Genetics and AP Biology have been patiently awaiting the arrival of baby chicks! The chicks sat in an incubator for approximately three weeks while students observed...

Farewell Friday: Lucas Francisco

Farewell Friday: Lucas Francisco

Abbey Malbon, Spotlight Reporter
May 3, 2018

Where do you plan on going to college? University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. What do you plan on majoring in? I will be attending the Engineering school at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign....

Girl Talk: House of Representatives passes controversial sex trafficking laws

Girl Talk: House of Representatives passes controversial sex trafficking laws

Abbey Malbon, Spotlight Reporter
April 24, 2018

U.S. lawmakers passed two news acts, FOSTA and SESTA to help combat internal sex trafficking in April. These acts were passed by the House of Representatives with a vote of 388-25. These acts, standing...

Girl Talk: Mississippi passes the most restrictive abortion act in the nation

Girl Talk: Mississippi passes the most restrictive abortion act in the nation

Abbey Malbon, Spotlight Reporter
April 5, 2018

Mississippi has historically been one of America’s most conservative states. In fact, according to Gallup, an American research company, Mississippi was ranked the third most conservative state within...

Metea students participate in a national student walkout

Metea students participate in a national student walkout

Abbey Malbon and Avani Shah
March 16, 2018

Students across the nation raised their voices in national student-led walkouts on Wed. March 14 as a sign of support for the victims of the Feb. 14 school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School...

Girl Talk: Defining the modern feminist

Girl Talk: Defining the modern feminist

Abbey Malbon, Spotlight Reporter
February 27, 2018

I am a proudly proclaimed intersectional feminist. In the hallways of high school, this statement gets a lot of eye rolls. I find myself having to constantly recite the definition of feminism in order...

Recent Women’s Marches emphasize “power to the polls”

Recent Women’s Marches emphasize “power to the polls”

Abbey Malbon, Spotlight Reporter
January 23, 2018

This past weekend, an estimated one million people participated nationwide in marches to advocate for women’s rights. The march was dated to recognize the one year anniversary of President Donald...

Girl Talk: Teen Vogue Summit

Girl Talk: Teen Vogue Summit

Abbey Malbon, Spotlight Reporter
January 10, 2018

n December 1st and 2nd of 2017 I attended the first ever “Teen Vogue Summit” in Los Angeles, California. After submitting three responses to three different short answer prompts, I was one of 50 chosen...

The “Pink Tax” is real and it is affecting women nationwide

The “Pink Tax” is real and it is affecting women nationwide

Abbey Malbon, Spotlight Reporter
December 12, 2017

Society has created a distinct line between males and females for centuries. Despite legislation and school administrative decisions, our current society is pushing towards a more inclusive reality. Current...

Birth control is basic healthcare. Period.

Birth control is basic healthcare. Period.

Abbey Malbon, Spotlight Reporter
November 29, 2017

Having a uterus is expensive. A Huffington Post article estimates that the average woman spends roughly $6,700 throughout her lifetime on feminine care products alone. Those statistics don’t include...

Speech holds auditions for this season

Speech holds auditions for this season

Abbey Malbon
October 19, 2017

ith over 70+ members, Metea Valley’s speech team has become known school wide as very prestigious and highly acclaimed. Auditions for speech are being held this week for all students interested in joining...

Netflix food documentaries greatly influence student’s lifestyles

Netflix food documentaries greatly influence student’s lifestyles

Abbey Malbon, Headlines Reporter
September 29, 2017

ne of Netflix’s most defining categories is the documentary section. Nestled within thousands and thousands of hours of diverse film, lies two documentaries created by film director Kip Andersen. “Cowspiracy”...

Students question the importance of pep assemblies

Students question the importance of pep assemblies

Abbey Malbon, Spotlight Reporter
September 27, 2017

Photo by: Maddie Crabtree Pep Assemblies: an asset notorious to the high school experience. As homecoming approaches, students are encouraged to participate in a series of “pep” events to get students...

What’s happening in the YA world

What’s happening in the YA world

Claudia Grzyb and Abbey Malbon
September 20, 2017

Graphic by: Kennedy Homan As busy high school students, we all fall guilty of sticking to our “Sparknotes” endeavors and tend to steer away from reading for pleasure.  If you are getting a little...

Is homecoming too early this year?

Is homecoming too early this year?

Abbey Malbon, Headlines Reporter
September 15, 2017

Graphic by Kainin Blissett Between new classes, joining clubs, and social stress, students are thrown the homecoming curveball. Last year’s homecoming dance took place October 8th. This year the date...

A new approach to defining education

A new approach to defining education

Abbey Malbon, Spotlight Reporter
September 7, 2017

Photo by Aimee Leal Attending school for a greater half of one’s adolescence can begin to influence personal morals and values. Metea Valley’s AP III English teachers have begun to question the...

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Abbey Malbon