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Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Gray Corkey

Gray Corkey

Gray is the longform Editor and a copy Editor enjoying their second year on staff. They are an enthusiastic writer who will always sneak Oxford commas into your writing and fix your punctuation. They are part of the LGBTQ+ community, participate in Tri-M and robotics, and are a professional at splitting apples in half with their bare hands. When not in the newsroom, Gray is probably playing Dungeons & Dragons or buying more dice they don’t need. 


All content by Gray Corkey
Fourth place winner Jenna Popko eliminated Abby Jue in the second round.

‘Senior assassins’ remains an unchanged senior tradition

Gray Corkey
May 27, 2021

As the weather warms up and the school year comes to a close, seniors at Metea begin their senior traditions. From prom, the senior sunrise brunch, senior road trip, "senior assassins," and graduation,...

Dodie's debut album features of her singles from the past few years.

Dodie’s “Build a Problem” narrates the emotional journey of drama and relationships

Gray Corkey
May 20, 2021

Through the wonderful visualization of a long car ride, Dodie musically and cinematically illustrates a difficult emotional journey of heartbreak and recovery. She released her debut album “Build a Problem”...

Moonlight/Sunrise by Rope and Ladder

Moonlight/Sunrise by Rope and Ladder

Gray Corkey, Longform Editor
April 26, 2021

Sticking with the theme, “Moonlight/Sunrise” takes melodic inspiration from Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata.” It is the third song of Rope and Ladder’s self-titled  rock opera. It starts off...

For Elise by Saint Motel

For Elise by Saint Motel

Gray Corkey, Longform Editor
April 26, 2021

The theme for my chosen songs this month is classical music, starting with “For Elise” by Saint Motel, which is based on “Für Elise” by Ludwig van Beethoven. There is a break in the song where...

I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry

I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry

Gray Corkey, Longform Editor
April 26, 2021

“I Hear a Symphony” is inspired by George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue.” It became a popular song on TikTok recently, but I have had this song in my Liked Songs playlist since 2019. I do not...

Players use the d20 dice the most often. It determines attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws.

Power of the nerd: Dungeons & Dragons

Gray Corkey, Longform Editor
March 26, 2021

The rogue creeps around the corner, keeping an eye out for traps. The ranger has an arrow notched. The wizard is ready with a Fireball. The cleric is prepared for a Healing Word if anything goes wrong....

The base three books are "Player's Handbook," "Dungeon Master's Guide," and "Monster Manual." They include everything a game master needs for a game. The screen provides at-a-glance information, mostly for combat mechanics.

[Photo] Fantasy life lessons

March 26, 2021

The base three books are "Player's Handbook," "Dungeon Master's Guide," and "Monster Manual." They include everything a game master needs for a game. The screen provides at-a-glance information, mostly...

During quarantine, players moved to virtual tabletops, like Roll20, to continue their campaigns.

[Photo] The social aspect

March 26, 2021

During quarantine, players moved to virtual tabletops, like Roll20, to continue their campaigns.

One year after the world shut down, pandemic living is becoming a new normal.

One Year Later

Gray Corkey
March 23, 2021
The cancellation of concerts, clubs, and competitions. The paranoia of communication. The excitement of a continuous spring break. As the two-week spring break turned into a one-year remote experience, all was changed.
8995E teaches Zoom classes about designing, programming, and engineering for middle schoolers.

Robotics team 8995E steers to victory with their robotics boot camp

Gray Corkey, Longform Editor
February 15, 2021

As hope for a normal season faded, the Metea robotics team 8995E got their gears turning to find another way to victory. The freshman team, which includes Ian Corkey, Sheel Parikh, Vikram Rao, Debarya...

Even with the new environment of working remotely and the obstacles they face through that, the staff of the mane constantly produces excellent content.

Mane staff continues to roll despite remote learning

Gray Corkey and Cache Merriweather
January 14, 2021

From school cafeterias to home kitchens, the staff of Broadcast Journalism and Production proceeds to put hours of work into each episode as they post once a month. The staff of the Mane has been working...

Gray edits a vlog in their PJ day spirit wear.

Why I joined News Journalism

Gray Corkey, Copy Editor
December 14, 2020

I walked into the News Journalism during eighth period on the first day of my junior year. Little did I know that it would be the best part of my day for the rest of the year.  Most people join the...

Transgender people identify as a gender that does not align with the gender they were assigned at birth.

Elliot Page inspires transgender youth to be their true selves

Gray Corkey, Copy Editor
December 10, 2020

*Two of the interviewees in the article chose to remain anonymous. They will be referred to as T. and K.  Queer celebrities are huge inspirations to young genderqueer people. They serve as role models...

Alexander23's song "IDK You Yet" was released as a single on April 9.

Musicians turn to songwriting to cope and lift fans’ spirits

Amber Corkey
September 16, 2020

Many musicians have had their plans halted since March, but they have also found ways to keep producing music during quarantine. With creative collaborations, fans can continue listening to new music from...

Farewell Friday: Robotics Seniors

Farewell Friday: Robotics Seniors

Amber Corkey
April 27, 2020

Sam Hus What college have you committed to and for what major? Michigan state university for Computer Science. What was the process getting accepted there like? I applied super early, so I...

Daylight saving time is meant to give Americans more light during daytime hours.

Daylight saving time reignites controversy over observance

Amber Corkey and Isabella Villalobos
March 11, 2020

As morning arises on the second Sunday of March, people stutter at their clocks realizing they may be an hour late to start their day. This widely adopted practice of moving the hour hand on clocks has...

Girl Talk: Putting an end to the stigma of menstruation

Girl Talk: Putting an end to the stigma of menstruation

Amber Corkey
March 9, 2020

There is shame and guilt in talking about our periods. People with periods hold their tongues when talking about their experiences or any help they need. Over around 500 cycles in their lifetime, the average...

Small clubs bring opportunities and enjoyment to students

Small clubs bring opportunities and enjoyment to students

Paige Friedlander and Amber Corkey
February 26, 2020

Animal Rehab and Rescue Club For those who are interested in animals, Animal Rehab and Rescue is the perfect place. It meets every other Tuesday, but they hold a lot of events, like their upcoming...

Project Revolution hosts its first event with politicians in the area.

Project Revolution fosters student advocacy in politics

Amber Corkey
February 18, 2020

The anxious high schoolers awaited their elected officials to begin the Power of Politics Political Forum on Feb. 16. After an internship with State Senator Ram Villivalam, Junior Sahaja Danthurthy started...

Humans of Metea: All-State Musicians

Humans of Metea: All-State Musicians

Amber Corkey
February 7, 2020

Thirteen Metea students ventured down to Peoria for the ILMEA All-State event and Future Music Educators Seminar. These students include Akhil Avasarala, Emma Carlson, Dylan Catapat, Preetish Chakraborty,...

Sophomore Preetish Chakraborty

Sophomore Preetish Chakraborty

Amber Corkey
February 7, 2020

What ensemble were you in? I was in the All-State Choir. What songs did you sing? Our concert had six pieces. Four of them were mixed. One was an all guys piece, and one was an all girls piece.  What...

Senior Cara Neidenbach

Senior Cara Neidenbach

Amber Corkey
February 7, 2020

What ensemble were you in? I was in Honors Orchestra on trumpet. I had to audition on Thursday, and I made third chair. What was the audition process like? It was really weird because I had to...

Junior Dylan Catapat

Junior Dylan Catapat

Amber Corkey
February 7, 2020

What ensemble did you perform in? I was in the All-State Choir. I was a Tenor I. What was the weekend like? All the All-State people took a trip to the city of Peoria. We stayed at this hotel...

Senior Haley Hsu

Senior Haley Hsu

Amber Corkey
February 7, 2020

What did you participate in? I was part of the FMES program What is the FMES program? FMES stands for Future Music Educators Seminar. You basically go to class for 14 hours. You also get to choose...

Junior Poorna Kumar

Junior Poorna Kumar

Amber Corkey
February 7, 2020

What ensemble were you in? I played third trombone in the Honors Jazz Band. What pieces did you play? We played “Low-Down”, “Run For Your Life”, “Out the Window” which our director...

sean lu

[Photo] Junior Sean Lu

February 7, 2020

Junior Enzo Nigro

Junior Enzo Nigro

Amber Corkey
February 7, 2020

What ensemble were you in? I was in Honors Orchestra. What was your favorite part of the weekend? The final performance. What pieces did you play? We played “1812 Overture” by Tchaikovsky...

John Mulaney, a stand-up comedian, is well known for his unique style and mannerisms .

Mulaney Madness: John Mulaney continues to deliver after over twelve years of stand-up

Claire Baffes and Amber Corkey
January 28, 2020

John Mulaney is a stand-up comedian who is widely known for his energetic and unique style of comedy. Over the last 12 years, he has told us stories of awkward school assemblies, stolen photographs, and...

Humans of Metea: Mission Impossible

Humans of Metea: Mission Impossible

Amber Corkey
December 6, 2019

Many may wonder what magic goes on behind the scenes of the Collage concerts. Little do they know that, with a little help from Devany Clause, a team of students under the name Mission Impossible are always...

Crystals are often used with spiritual healing.

‘10% Happier’ provides powerful advice in a self-reflective story.

Amber Corkey
December 4, 2019

After making repeated comments about my desire to read Radium Girls by Kate Moore for the AP English III book clubs, I was assigned to 10% Happier by Dan Harris. It was my last choice. It was barely on...

Vlog: Metea students immersed in German-American culture at the Christkindlmarket

November 19, 2019

Metea Valley’s German Club was immersed in German-American culture when they took a trip to the Christkindlmarket in Daley Park on Nov. 16. A handful of students from Neuqua and Waubonsie joined the...

'Figments' takes a massive team to make one small department

‘Figments’ takes a massive team to make one small department

Amber Corkey
November 6, 2019

The Metea fine arts department is one of the best in the area. The theater department is no exception. Every year, they put on a play, a musical, and a small series of scenes called Winter Scenes. This...

Trench sends hidden message to Twenty One Pilots fans about mental health

Trench sends hidden message to Twenty One Pilots fans about mental health

Amber Corkey
October 24, 2019
The band twenty one pilots released their latest album a year ago on Oct. 5, 2018, after a year-long hiatus. It delves into the profound topic of mental health and the writer’s journey with anxiety and depression. Merely listening to the songs does not give the full story.
Senior Elizabeth Livorsi asks club sponsor Rebecca Walker a question

Mustang Comedy prepares for a new year of comedy

Amber Corkey
October 11, 2019

Mustang Comedy has recently rebranded away from Mustang Improv. This recent change happened due to new teachers and students from last year who brought new ideas and practices to the group. Rebecca Walker,...

Vlog: Musicians audition for All-State Band

Amber Corkey
October 2, 2019

Every year, students from across Illinois audition for the All-State Band, known as Illinois Music Education Association, or ILMEA. Spotlight reporter Amber Corkey was one of them.  She talked to Metea...

Humans of Metea: Carter Wijangco

Humans of Metea: Carter Wijangco

Amber Corkey
September 20, 2019

Almost everyone in high school finds something they are passionate about. Carter Wijangco, a sophomore at Metea, found his passion for fishing. He’s participated in numerous fishing competitions over...

Musical memories: the music of your childhood

Musical memories: the music of your childhood

Amber Corkey
September 11, 2019

Research says that the music you listen to in middle school is the music you listen to for the rest of your life. This is called your listening biography. Most people stick to a similar genre and barely...

Humans of Metea: Rí Pritchard

Humans of Metea: Rí Pritchard

Amber Corkey
August 29, 2019

Marching Band is a huge production of music and visuals. It requires strength, endurance, and composure to get through a show. Although the band mostly consists of music students, many non-music students...

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Gray Corkey